Welcome to the Pittsburg-Camp Public Library
Search our catalog, link to e-books, find electronic online resources, check out our selected sites! Our electronic online resources are filled with e-books, magazine articles, encyclopedia entries, and other materials to help you discover more on any subject, from general interest to business, hobbies, and more. Please see a librarian for a username and password. Call to set up access today!
Click the 'NEWS' tab above for a list of FREE weekly events!
Please Return All Materials Through The Night Depository Box, or Use Your Online Account (http://bit.ly/1hZTjoT) To Renew Them.
(New and POPULAR authors!)
REMEMBER The Library Has OVERDRIVE E-books 24/7. Use The Login For Your Online Account to Gain Access.
Click here to download E-books and Audio Books from OVERDRIVE at no charge to you. This is included with your library card!
This project is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and Texas State Library and Archives Commission. (2015) Impact Grant.
REMEMBER The Library Has FREADING E-books (http://pittsburglibrary.freading.com) AVAILABLE 24/7. Use The Same Login You Do For Your Online Account to Gain Access.
For information on the PITTSBURG GAZETTE Digitized Archives, please click here.

Freading give you access to an extensive and well-rounded collection of over 40,000 ebooks with multiple simultaneous access on all titles (which means you and your friends can read the same book at the same time). There are mobile apps for iPhone, iPad and Android.
You will need your library card number and a PIN. Call the library for your PIN. (903-856-3302)If you need help getting started, click on your device below to find instructions in a printable PDF document. Feel free to come into the library, we would be happy to help you!
Check out the latest Freading newsletter to see what's new!
EBSCO has thousands of e-books that can be read online, or download to your device. You will need your library card and another piece of information that the library will give you. Call to find out how to access these ebooks! 903.856.3302

Project Gutenberg offers over 36,000 free e-books to download to your PC, Kindle, Android, iOS or other portable device. Choose between ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats. Click on the Project Gutenberg logo below to go to their site.
eShelf & Research - Work and research from the office or from home, anytime:
- TexShare Databases: books, articles, research databases, and more (electronic online resources)
- Family Search: Discover Your Family History
- Selected Sites: what's good on the Web
- Community Organizations: local, nonprofit groups and services
- Good Reads: book reviews, top sellers, author interviews, and news headlines
Inter-Library Loan Program
Can't find what you want in our library's catalog? No problem! Use the searchbox below and we will try our best to order it! We work with a network of over 1000 libraries around the country who share resources.

Limit 3 orders per person, $3.00 charge per ILL for postage, failure to pick up an item will result in a $3.00 charge.